Thanks to for nominating me for this award. According to the rules, I must now tell you 7 things about myself:
1. My eBook, Rose’s Will, published by 48fourteen in 2011, will be released in print by August of 2012. Can’t wait to hold it in my hand.
2. We’re moving in a few weeks, and I’m about to face the reality of living without all the possessions I’ve already packed.
3. Rose’s Will has been chosen as a semi-finalist in Literary Fiction by 2012 Kindle Book Reviews. Finalists will be chosen on September 1, 2012 and winners will be chosen on October 1, 2012.
4. I miss pizza and chocolate Italian ices from New York.
5. I enjoy wilding up quiet people.
6. Editing is more fun than writing.
7. I hate to go to bed.
I’d like to nominate the following blogs for this exciting award:
Chazz Writes by Robbert Chazz
ZB’s Blog of Awesomeness by Elizabeth Guizzetti
Kelly Hitchcock by Kelly herself.
Kathleen Lourde written by Kathleen Lourde
Let ME Out!! by Taslim Jaffer
Congratulations! If I didn’t send you the award by email, please feel free to grab the award image and post it on your site, and don’t forget to pass it on.