Back to Normal.

In my last blog, which was quite some time ago, I was all about exploring my vulnerability. You’ll be happy to know that I’m over it now. I’ve learned that vulnerability is perfectly fine when one is alone. Add other people and you have to be tough.  By it’s very definition vulnerability makes you “susceptible […]

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Truth and Lies

A few years ago a very good friend of mine had a party. Before I arrived she had asked a number of guests, “Do these pants make me look fat?” All of them replied “NO, not at all!” The minute I walked through the door, my friend accosted me with the question. I turned her […]

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Chemo – Round 5

After having lived through five of the scheduled eight chemotherapy treatments, I’m fairly convinced that no amount of nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, hair loss, or allergies to things I’ve never been allergic to before are going to kill me. I know this because each time I go for a treatment, which lasts up to five hours, […]

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Now that I viscerally understand that publishing a five-star book will not make me rich (I still refuse to believe that I don’t have a shot at being famous), Carol and I have come to terms with the fact that it’s time to downsize from our big house in North Phoenix, to a smaller one […]

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Stilettos and Steel

Jeri Estes has made it no secret that Jesse, the protagonist, in her novel, Stilettos and Steel, is closely modeled after her own life. So let’s hope that all of Estes’ former Catholic school teachers are dead or demented, lest they run across her book. Not that a Catholic school girl turned lesbian runaway is […]

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Something To THINK About

According to The National Science Foundation the average person thinks roughly 1000 thoughts per hour. When we’re writing, that jumps to 1666 thoughts an hour. Deeper than average thinkers think up to 4X more than that. Given these statistics it a wonder why writers get writer’s block at all.

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Reviews and Reactions

Yesterday I opened an email with WOW in the subject line, and in the body of the post, she wrote: “I’ve just finished Rose’s Will. I have no idea what to say. You are a gifted writer.” It was not a review. It was a reaction, the kind of visceral reaction that makes it worth […]

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