Time out from my breast cancer saga to bring you something fun and potentially interesting – the 48fourteen Scavenger Hunt! You will collect clues and have a chance to win books by one or more of the authors published by 48fourteen, the people who published my book, Rose’s Will. It’s my pleasure to host R.L. […]
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It Doesn’t Seem Right
My novel, Rose’s Will is published for Kindle and I don’t even own one! Isn’t that so wrong? So I’ll be scouring the Internet for Kindle contests. Here’s one from ReadtoReivew. Good luck!
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WIN A FREE COPY OF ROSE’S WILL! Just sign on to Amazon and check my TAG boxes here. For an extra entry, read the prologue here and answer this question: After she called me an idiot, and much worse, quite a few times A. She hung up the phone. B. I took her to lunch. C. She took my […]
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